Website’s Address
Our website’s address is:
What data do we store?
The comments, done by the user on our website ‘Electronics Coach’ is used to collect the information of the user by saving the comments as well as the IP address for the purpose of spam detection. Our site uses ‘Akismet’ as an automated spam detection application.
The Akismet inspects the spam with the help of anonymized string or hash generated by the user’s email address.
Also, the user’s comments are stored by us for an unspecified duration. By doing so any follow-up comments can be easily recognized and approved by the site without the delaying of hold in the moderation queue.
Contact Us
The contact us form is filled by the user which includes their personal information to have any future reference. This saved data can be anytime removed by the site according to the user’s consent. But this data does not include the information which we are bound to store for administrative, security or legal purposes.
It is always the user’s choice to share details like name, email address on our site. But by doing so it helps the user to avoid filling these detail again at the time of another comment on our site.
To improve browsing experience, google AdSense uses cookies of the user that visits on our website. This helps in displaying the ads relevant to the user, improving the reporting on campaign performance and avoiding the ads that are already seen by the user.
Cookies themselves do not hold any personally identifiable information. But by changing user’s and publisher’s settings, the information used by cookies for advertising purposes can be added to the user’s Google account.
Our site uses ‘Google Analytics’ as the analytics tool. User’s personal information is collected and used by Google to improve the user’s experience and provide better services by examining the interest zone and language preference of the user while visiting the site.
The personal information recognizes the user’s IP address, geographical location and the type of browser or device used at the time of site access.
The visitor’s personal data may be used by the ‘Electronics Coach’ for lawful practice including improvements, website promotion, market analysis, and research.
Internet-based advertisement
Google AdSense is used by the ‘Electronics Coach’ as the key source of monetization. Whenever a user visits our site then its primary information is automatically collected and stored by Google AdSense. Also, the information related to the device through which the website is accessed is stored by Google AdSense.
Two types of information are stored by Google AdSense:
Technical information that includes IP address, type of browser used, internet service provider, device identifier, operating system used, timing and geographical location.
Visitor’s information includes information related to the user’s visit on the site. Data like URL (uniform resource locator), clickstream to, viewed and searched pages, response time on each page and exit pages along with website navigation.
‘Google’ is the only third-party vendor used by ‘Electronics Coach’ for displaying ads on the site and related social media platforms that makes use of internet-based advertising services according to the user’s visit.
Based on past browsing information of the user ‘google’ uses cookies, pixels or tokens for displaying advertisement.
Anytime by changing the Google ad settings, the user can easily disable the use of cookies by third party. Also by visiting the network advertising initiative consumer’s opt-out page, the user can disable the use of cookies by a third-party vendor.
Data sharing and protection
Whom we share your data?
Visitor’s sensitive personal information is shared with third-party vendors without the user’s approval only when needed by law, any court or government for identity verification or detection, prevention, investigation related to cyber incidents or punishments for the misdeed.
So under the stated circumstances, the user’s data can be disclosed by the site for good faith and belief under applicable laws and regulations.
How your data is protected?
Our site uses external server capacities for the protection of your data and the operation of our system. This external location stores the personal data of the user in a closed contract with the host that specifies its safety. Any personal information of the user is not sold to any third party or company by ‘Electronics Coach’.